The seeds of terrorism and talbanization in tribal areas of Pakistan were sown long ago during the Anglo British rule of subcontinent by creating a buffer zone in shape of Afghanistan between Russia and British and drawing a Durand line thus dividing the tribal clans and families on both sides of the Durand line.The seven tribal areas bordering Afghanistan were governed and administered by different set of rules which kept them separated from the rest of the country rather they were not only isolated but kept away from mainstream.With the passage of time this isolation became the main challenge and cause for multifaceted problems and now militancy,lack of development and democracy has marred their faces and led them to extremism. Now efforts should be continued to bring them to table and identify the problems and come up with complete reform agenda encompassing social economic and political reforms. They have been used once against Russian in the disguise of a threat to Islam and now perceived as a threat to the new world order. But on the other hand their long history reflects that they could never be subdued or ruled through external aggression or elements

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