Life is precious and man cannot live it alone.He is social animal and needs social interaction and greater socialization for his everyday affairs. His life is deeply interwoven with eachother. His loneliness can make him psychotic.
Since the birth of first known human Adam, Hawa was also given birth to give Adam her companionship. Few decades ago, there was strong family structure with deep rooted bonds .Greater cohesion and family relations bring the family ,friends and acquintances close together in joyous moments and sad times, but after few years with greater technological revolution especially in communication means this structure had been restricred to landlines and later cell phones which has further been compounded by Internet and email through latest gadgets and softwares like whatsapp, facebook, skype and other chatting applications etc..
After this, going to offices, educational institutions,shopping were left the few socializations when one could say hello to eachother on face to face but this is really unfortunate that this year the killing corona virus has affected the social life too bad and has infact forced the societies to stay at home as much as they can to avoid the spread of this pandemic.
social relationships were affected to a high degree by the COVID-19
pandemic, 71.4% of the participants reported that they are spending more time
with family during the COVID-19 lockdown period and only 26.2%
reported that they have become mthis study aimed to
identify the effects of the COVID-19 curfew system on social relationships in
Jordan. The findings revealed that more than 62.0% of respondents adhered to
precautionary measures against COVID-19, which included social distancing and
hygiene practices.
Most of the societies still rely on a strong commitment to collective groups
such as family and tribe, social distancing could have a negative impact on
individuals. However, in the absence of a vaccine, social distancing has been
an essential measure for slowing the pandemic. Nevertheless, social distancing
conflicts with the human need to connect with others. It is found out that social relationships have
become weaker during the curfew, and more
It is also believed that family relations have become
strained, whereas lockdown period was a source of
boredom. several normal
activities and services have been restricted, including public gatherings,
fitness centres, cinemas, retail shops, coffee shops and restaurants.
As a
result of the lockdown, schools and universities closed and emergency remote
learning commenced to enable students to complete their academic year.
Furthermore, the workforce, in general, transferred to working from home, and
going out in public was extremely limited.
Such situations could lead to feelings of boredom and loneliness, which
increases tension. With the cancellation of social gatherings, the inability to
go to cafes, restaurants, or shopping, and with friends and family being
hesitant to get together for fear of infection with COVID-19, the level of
boredom and tension will escalate.
Additionally, uncertainty adds to the
situation where people are unaware of how long this pandemic will go on for and
if ‘physical distancing’ is going to become the new normal . There is great relation between boredom and anxiety or stress and hence the state of boredom is something that needs to be addressed.
Quarantine and reduced social and physical contact during the
COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tangible effect on boredom . However people have also reported to be involved in new hobbies during
the lockdown period, which could be attributed to the level of boredom,
uncertainty and confusion.
During the lockdown period, though families were
able to communicate with family members and support each other particularly in muslim societies having faith and strong religious beliefs, which may
have contributed to their acceptance of consequences and hence their social
relationship was either not affected or enhanced. The social relationships among siblings and with their parents
did not change however, or even improved. some
families are more vulnerable in response to disasters than others,
particularly those with a low income, while other families showed resilience
and were able to survive through disasters . Hence, good family relationships have demonstrated
the ability
The social relations of friends and
colleagues were negatively affected by the pandemic, as these social relationships became weaker. Such
results are expected as there has been a physical distance between friends and
colleagues. Also, this strongly relates to responses about becoming more
connected to one’s colleagues after the spread of the corona virus,
There is likely to be negative health implications. So it has to be seen that we are able to provide educational campaigns that improve the sociological health
of the general population and informing them about contemporary alternative
communication media (telecommunication). This is expected to lead to better
social relationships and communication across the whole population, enabling
people to cope better with the pandemic and to maintain societal
well-being and productivity.
Even i have personally experienced that handshake has been replaced either with elbow touch or no handshake which has been a norm for years in muslim society there is social and cultural transformation also...