New year - new horizon

 Another year has passed with lot of happiness coupled with sufferings and miseries especially the COVID 19 pandemic which not only affected the health issues causing lot many deaths but also affected the world and countries' economy badly.

The world is still struggling with this killing corona virus though vaccines have been developed and affected people are being vaccinated but preventive measures still need to be taken as no one wants to lose his or her dear and near ones.

May this new year bring peace ,tranquility,prosperity for every human on this earth irrespective of creed,caste ,gender nationality.our prayers,wishes and all efforts must be focused and directed towards poverty alleviation, health facilities, shelter and provision of education for all and better job oppurtunities in a bid to improve the peoples' lot. We must set these our goals for this year and work together individually and collectively to achieve these goals.

We do hope that this new year rising sun will bring prosperity  happiness and health for all the humanity and this earth will be free from border tensions,riots,conflicts among states and the people.

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