Technology to convert CO2 into Jet fuel

 Geologists have come up with a way to convert carbon dioxide into the atmosphere into jet fuel, and successful trials of this technology have been completed on a small scale.

Details of the study are published in the latest issue of the research journal Nature Communications.

To convert carbon dioxide into jet fuel, a special catalyst containing iron, manganese and potassium was developed, which performed well on a small scale in the laboratory.

This catalyst not only converted carbon dioxide into jet fuel but also created some compounds that are important raw materials in the petrochemicals industry. Such as ethylene, propylene and butane.

It should be noted that this technology has been used only on a small scale. In order to bring it to commercial and industrial scale, it will be necessary to gradually increase its scale and expand it to factory level.

If this technology proves useful, effective and viable even at these stages, it can be hoped that carbon dioxide air pollution will not only be easily cleaned but also converted into marketable product.

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