What happened with world reknowned Nuclear scienist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan who died?

Pakistan's world reknowned nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan died this morning in Islamabad.He was the pioneer of pakistan's nuclear programme and made his strenous efforts to make pakistan the first islamic nuclear power.

Dr Qadeer was hospitalised for treatment of multiple diseases having kidney problem,prostrate cancer n breathing problems.His health deteriorated suddenly and was being treated in ICU of KRL hospital in islamabad.

He was awarded three presidential awards,2 hilale imtiaz and nishan e imtiaz for his valuable and unmatched contribution in pakistan's nuclear programme. 

He worked selflessly for many years in pakistan after his return from abroad as he decided to work for his country, which shows his patriotism.

He was born in 1936 and started pakistan's nuclear programme in 1976.

After being ill for many years ,he left this world in the morning of today and his era and contribution has been written in golden words to remember by the coming generations.

Latest about the funeral of Dr Khan, namaz e jinnaza was held at faisal mosque and was buried in H9 graveyard with honour due to him.Pak flag was handed over to his daughter as a gesture of honour and his great contribution.

Still it is worth mentioning neither any political and military prominent personality was seen in the funeral. Though flowers weeath was seen laid on behalf of army chief.But atleast some political leaders from opposition and cabinet member must be there which was quite disappointing for the pak nation who have great esteem for qadeer khan.

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