King Faisal Award given to silent legend known for his matchless services

Abdul Hameed a man with exceptional qualities.

A great man who turned down the King Faisal Award in 1994 saying that what I have written is for the pleasure of Allah Almighty so do not spoil my religion on me.

A great man who turned down French nationality, saying that he loved his soil and his country.

A great man on whose hands 40,000 non-Muslims recited the Kalima Tayyaba.

A great man who was fluent in 22 languages ​​and learned Thai at the age of 84.

A great man who wrote 450 books and 937 scholarly articles in different languages.

A great man who used to wash his own dishes and clothes in spite of his knowledge.

A great man who was awarded the highest civilian honor, Hilal-e-Imtiaz, by Pakistan in 1985, and the amount of Rs. If the world receives this honor then what will be left for the rest of life.

A great man who wrote the first book of hadith which was written in 58 AH which is called Sahifa Hammam bin Manbah. .

A great person who wrote the translation and commentary of the Holy Quran in French. Twenty editions of this masterpiece translation have been published.

A great man who wrote a masterpiece called "Introduction to Islam" which has been translated into 22 languages ​​of the world.

This great man was this genius working personality of Dr. Muhammad Hameedullah. He was born in 1908 in Hyderabad Deccan.

He received his doctorate from Cabon University in Germany in 1933, after which he became a teacher of Arabic and Urdu.

In 1946, he was appointed Ambassador (Representative) of the State of Hyderabad to the United Nations.

The fall of Hyderabad in 1948 angered the state and forced its annexation from India and led a life of exile. During the exile they formed an organization called the "Hyderabad Liberation Society".

In 1950, when the first draft law of Pakistan was being prepared, you were contacted. You visited Pakistan.

He taught at various Turkish universities from 1952 to 1978

Delivered sermons to students at Bahawalpur University in 1980 which were later published under the name of Sermons Bahawalpuri.

This great scholar and intellectual died on December 17, 2002 in the US state of Florida

Dr. Mohammad Hameedullah said that one person was alone but he did more work than many parties. May Allah have mercy on him. Amin sum Amin


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