Internet services in outer space Boeing company have been given approval for launching satellite for internet services in outer space
The advancement in technology and the need for greater and round-the-clock intercommunication among internet users for research, development, and knowledge sharing has led to exploring an early breakthrough for the provision of internet services in outer space.
A lot of technology giants and multinationals have stepped into launching and making their satellites operational in outer space for internet services.
The United States of America has also approved Boeing company's project of provision of internet services through launching a satellite in outer space.
Boeing, being licensed to construct, plant, and operate the satellite as a platform for provision of broad-based internet services and telecommunication with tremendous strength for the purpose of its usage in residential, commercial, government levels by their institutions.
Initially, it will be designed for America and later on will be useable worldwide for knowledge sharing, research and development, stated by license authorization, the federal communication commission
The Boeing company has been licensed for 147 satellites, mostly at a height of 600 miles (1,000 km), and a few at a height between 17,000 miles and 27,000.
"Boeing sees the future of more orbit of satellite technology," the aerospace company said in a statement.
There has been continuous growth of demand and need for satellite-based internet services and telecommunication. So depending upon consumers' needs, the requirements may vary from area to area viz a viz consumers and so will be the diversity with varying V bands.
There are other competing companies, who have already launched their satellites platforms for this purpose and operations are being implemented.
SpaceX and Kuiper have projects launched to create internet communication links for which 1500 satellites have been launched by SpaceX headed by US millionaire Elon Musk and by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.