Why marriage bonds are breaking up increasingly

Why marriage bonds are breaking up increasingly



Why marriage bonds are breaking up increasingly. This is a grave social challenge being faced by societies and greatly affecting child psychology.

Marriage is an agreement of compromises and respect for eachother.  It carries on till both are compromising, respectful and trustworthy. It is a very strong bond on the one hand and extremely fragile ,so both have to be careful in this relationship.      

As far as increasing  divorce rate is concerned in the world is concerned then we must keep in mind some things that matter most.

Firstly, the societies  are in transition stage ,at times women were in a subjugated and submissive they had to take care of house and kids and her husband but as of now the women are educated and they support their families financially. She is bold confidant and demanding too. She is not that  woman who was put in house like an item.

Secondly, materialism has taken over life, norms and values are overshadowed .Woman needs independence and liberty to move freely in the society in connection with job requirements, so she needs space and freedom of mind.

Thirdly men here despite being modern and educated  still want to see that women in house and also wants to work in offices to support him but still suspects her behaviour.

Fourthly, women is not dependent on man ,if the relationship gets worse for any reason ,she prefers to get away with it.

Fifthly, change of social and moral values have completely transformed the society,men and women donot want a life of compromises.

The data available of region /area wise divorce rate speak itself the reason which are more or less similar.

It shows that in asia and europe the divorce rate ratio against marriages comes to 21percent , which has no doubt grown as against previous years of 16 percent.

In muslim countries,  all over the world the percentage of divorce stands though below than asia and Europe as a whole but still it has also grown against previous years.

This reflect that concern for growing rate of divorce is real but the most negative effect is that young avoid such serious relations and now they prefer to live in relationships without marriage which is breaking the whole fabric of society .This is though not encouraging in muslim countries.

In europe and asia the 3 highest ranking countries are Russia(73%),Ukraine(70.3% ),Luxumberg(64.5%), as against lowest ranking are Bosnia(12.5%),Malta(12.7% ),Macedonia(12.3% )..while in asia the three are China(44.4%),Kuwait(42.31%),South Korea(46.81% ) as three Vietnam(7.02% ),Uzbekistan(14.1% ), Tajikistan(10.37% )being the lowest.

In muslim countries  there are countries with high and low percentage but overall percentage is just little below the Europe and Asia . But if America Russia are taken seperately then the data is alarming being 44.45% and 73% respectively.

In short ,this is a grave social issue challenging the family fabric and social setup with every society and followers of religion whether muslim and non-muslim badly affected.

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