How does garlic-a nature's gift like other alternatives help to reduce systolic blood pressure and overall control?
How does garlic-a nature's gift like other alternatives help to reduce systolic blood pressure and overall control? Garlic a nature's herb grown world wide in almost 105 countries with China on top with 20.7 million tonnes of garlic production followed by India with 2.9 million tons. In terms of exports and imports of this herb gifted by nature, it exceeded $ 3.16 billion and $ 2.86 billion respectively with China being the largest exporter with 65% of total world exports and Indonesia as the lowest on the list with 20% of total world exports.This large scale trade reflects its use for various purposes. It is a splendid herb grown for centuries nearly 5000 years with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements known to be beneficial for various health issues. Recent researches by researchers and scientists after number of clinical trials have found it to reduce the systolic blood pressure. All over the world there are more than 1 billion people suffering from blood pressure whic...