According to Twitter sources, under antitrust laws the last date to seal the agreement deal was nearing then it would not be possible to challenge it.
Elon Musk, the head of TESLA an American company with strong financial holding has entered into an agreement for the purchase of twitter and winning the bid at a 44 billion dollar deal, which is awaiting approval of the regulators and shareholders. The stakeholders are being pressurized to "stop the deal" campaign launched by an advocacy group for their own interests.
The like-minded group is very much aggressive to follow it under the "stop the deal" campaign which is the cause of delayed approval.
Nicole Gill, Executive Director, Accountable Tech, has lamented that Elon Musk was a wolf in sheep´s clothing, who wanted to acquire Twitter owed to his ego and grievance. So if he was allowed this deal, he would be guided by extremists and radicals to incite hate and harm by using this vital social platform, so he must be stopped to acquire Twitter.
Under this deal, the regulators and security exchange commission will be pressurised to review the details more carefully and vigilantly focuing on point-wise repercussions.
This united group of non profit concerns will also convince the shareholders and the advertisers to oppose the purchase of Twitter by Musk and his company Telsa.
The anti united group, the campaigners against the deal consists of more than 12 organizations like Media Matters for America, entering for countering digital beat etc
Musk who became a major shareholder in April the last by investing in 73.5 million shares started bidding for the company within two weeks after the share purchase.
Security exchange commission has sought clarification from Musk why did not he disclose his increased quantum of shares during the ten days? If he was interested and had planned to purchase the company as a whole.
The regulators in their written letter addressed to musk, have asked him why not to consider your recent statements on Twitter? wherein, it was asked if Twitter acts on independent speech rules.
Musk is also facing trial alleging him slid down the share price of Twitter by his sinister designs so that either he could back out from the deal or renegotiate it for his own interests.
The statements of billionaires musk on Twitter were aimed at creating suspicions about the deal.
It has been alleged that the claim seeks class-action status and calls on a federal court in San Francisco to back the validity of the deal and award shareholders any damages.
Musk is a frequent Twitter user, issueing controversial statements relating to current events or other public figures behaving in humourus way focusing on business.
The question is.. why the pressure is being mounted by the group for stopping the deal to materialize. Apparently, the only reasoning seems to be unbridled power that Musk would likely to gain through this social media platform to advance his views and interfere/influecne more deeply in political arena beside gaining financial and media strength.