Spirtuality - source of mental and physical health


Spirtuality -  source  of mental and physical health

In the modern day of life with all the comforts of life at the doorstep of mankind, still the restlessness, stress and tensions controls the humans consiously or unconsciously. So humans are always in search of some refuge where hope,comfort and inner peace are achieved which he or she finds sometimes in music ,art, or connection with nature but there are people who find it in religious beliefs and its strict practices.

Spirtuality -  source  of mental and physical health

Since centuries it is a known fact that body , mind and spirit are interdependent and this is what we find injunctions in religious booksthat mankind must strive for purity and positivity of mind and soul.So obviously health of any element affects the other accordingly.

The well being of mankind has a direct connection with positive beliefs, comfort and strength gained from religion, meditation,prayers.This also serves to promote healing.Infact this spirtual health maynot cure illness but it helps to feel better and overcome stress, illness or even death.

Hence while treating with physical health,it is direly neeeded to improve spirtual health which can be done through following;

- Try to understand and recognize the sources of inner peace,comfort love, and relaxation of mind and soul.
- Devote some time or moments of the day to some voluntry work,community and welfare oriented services,prayers,meditation,reading inspirational books or quotes,walk close to natural environment, doing yoga or Gym.Even some some kind of sports activities also keep the stress away and improve mental and physical health.

Even then if you dont find relaxed or peace of mind and feel like going to doctor then do discuss with him your inner feelings or causes of unrest and anxiety rather all your days activitiesas to how yu are managing your mental and physical health before coming to doctor.Infact your medical practitioner must now your spirtual beliefs and practices, worries, concernswhich are causing stress and deterioration of physical health. hte cit is required to see the doctor 

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