Artificial Intelligence viz a viz deep fake technolgy applied in latest films
In 1938, American film maker Orson Welles' depiction of H.G. W…
The United States has a complex and evolving relationship with both India and Pakistan. Historically, the America. has had closer ties with Paki…
Read moreWhat is google adsense Google AdSense is an advertising program run by Google that allows website and blog owners to display ads on their sites a…
Read moreWhat is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, it's the process of optimizing a website or web pages to increase its visibil…
Read moreHow does IMF help poor countries ? IMF provides financial assistance to poor countries facing balance of payment problems and supports reforms to…
Read moreSocial media and internet has invaded cross border cultural values. Social media and the internet have greatly increased the ease and speed of co…
Read moreUnderdeveloped and developing countries are facing the dilemma of not getting high economic growth owing to weak political /economic system,financia…
Read moreLeave sedentary lifestyle and stay healthy after 60, since have to face health problems with our growing age, I think when we are young, we take h…
Read moreLifestyle refers to the patterns of behavior, habits, and choices that define an individual's daily life. These can include things like diet, e…
Read moreSaudi Arabia is a monarchy, with the royal family holding significant power and control over the government and political system. The current mon…
Read moreThe advancement of innovative technology has brought revolution beyond imagination in every aspect of human life whether it be electronic gadgets, …
Read moreWhat is Bitcoin and how does it work? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well …
Read moreA Hi tech ultramodern motorcycle with combination of style and economy has been launched by Honda. Honda is a Japanese machine, motorcycles and power…
Read moreIn 1938, American film maker Orson Welles' depiction of H.G. W…
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