New world emerging cities - Where the future grows from nature and culture.


New world emerging cities - Where the future grows from nature and culture.

Countries around the world are building new cities of the future to accommodate  growing population.These cities have new Design Concepts and incorporate amazing new technological innovations. We walk through the world to explore 15 amazing future cities currently under construction.

Legion Forest City  

In recent years China has begun to turn towards Greener energy Alternatives and one striking example of this is Legion Forest City.Tthe idea behind it is that all of its buildings will be completely covered in plants and trees with all of these buildings having square and rectangular cubicles for people to work and live.

These cities can be as close to carbon neutral as possible and while one of these buildings with a capacity of 500 people has already been built. The goal is to make an entire city can house up to 30 000 people, 40 000 trees and more than a  million plants from over a hundred different species.

Omnia deal Lake City

Senegal is one of West Africa's more important economies yet in order to propel it to the next level the government has begun construction of the omniadia Lake City being built in an attempt to relieve the congestion of the capital city of Dakar and Spur.The project is coming in at a whopping two billion dollars and should be completed by 2035. The city will have several futuristic buildings with some of the highlights including the Abu diaf International Conference area the Dakar arena for sports and an Exhibition Center.

However given that the construction began quite recently and since many things are still up in the air only time will tell whether or not it will develop into an important Urban Metropolis.

New santara

while Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta is a crowded and lively place it's also somewhere that may not exist in the next hundred years after all due to the over extraction of groundwater, it's sinking at an alarming rate.In fact in the northern part of the city is sunk by two and a half meters in the past 10 years and research shows that some areas could be entirely  submerged by 2050 as such the government of Indonesia has decided to build an entirely new capital city known as nusantara.The construction began in July of 2022 and the move is expected to cost a whopping 32.4 billion dollars

It is said to be fit with towering skyscrapers and it will hopefully surpass the already bustling capital of Jakarta although we won't know if this will be the case until its completion date of August  2024. However given all the resources going into it, it would be quite beautiful once it's complete.

King Abdullah economic City

Saudi Arabia's oil money has allowed it to seriously Propel its growth yet one  Mega project that's still currently causing it to get caught in the sand is the King Abdullah economic City first announced in 2005.

The idea was to make the city one of the world's most competitive investment destinations by having it filled with economic infrastructure such as ports, Railways and industrial factories covering an area roughly the size of Washington DC and having a plant capacity of 2 million people.

The city was supposed to be a jewel of the Middle East however the reality work has been far from that still a in progress only about 40 percent of the project has been completed and todate, there are only about ten thousand residents as such while the city is filled with super modern looking Villas, they are all but empty and only time will tell whether or not the city will ever grow to King abdullah's initial projections 

Finland's bunker City

Russia and Finland have always had a bit of a tense relationship and given the war in Ukraine the idea of a Russian conflict in Finland seems although more likely. 

However Finland has anticipated a potential Conflict for decades and just a few months ago it revealed to the world that it has a massive underground city that's all but ready for a major  Clash located 30 meters below the ground of the capital city of Helsinki.

The 9 Million square meter city is able to house a whopping 900 000 people and it's strong enough to fend off a potential nuclear threat given that Helsinki has a population of 650 000.Iits sheer size is pretty incredible and when you further consider that Finland has Europe's  largest artillery stock an army of 240 000 and National conscription so every man is able to fight it becomes clear that Finland is really ready for anything and while many of the details surrounding the Helsinki bunkers construction are currently Under Wraps. 

what is clear is that it would be important defensive tool against any sort of Russian aggression

Nur Kent

In recent years China has begun debuting its belt and Road initiative around the globe with the idea being that it will create a global trade Network that spans across over a hundred countries and make the hidden Kingdom exceptionally rich on the Forefront of this initiative has been the investment of billions of dollars into infrastructure abroad and there are few places that exemplify this Spirit of development quite as much as near Kent located in Southeastern Kazakhstan near the Chinese border.

The idea is that it will accommodate 100 000 workers serving the nearby corgo stri port and as part of its funding structure a Chinese logistics company has 49 ownership of the land the hope is that this city will be a gateway to the rest of Central Asiamaking it vital to the realization of China's grandiose plans yet while the hopes are high for nurkent

China is currently going through some tough times financially and so the viability of the Belton Road initiative as a whole may be in Jeopardy as such it's unclear whether or not near Kent will become all that's being cracked up to be or not number nine Echo Atlantic City given the fact that Nigeria is one of the world's largest producers of oil.

It makes sense that it's one of the richest areas on the planet and it's with its insane amounts of oil money that plans are being devised to create echoatlantic City being constructed on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean it's essentially being built on man-made Islands just off the coast of the capital city of Lagos coming in at a total of 11 million square meters.

It will be the size of Manhattan's skyscraper district and will be protected from even the most severe of storms with the help of an eight and a half kilometer long sea wall the idea is that it will be both self-sufficient  and sustainable as it's set to feature buildings with eco-friendly and state-of-the-art urban designs and have its own power generation station clean water, Advanced telecommunications, spacious roads and tree-lined streets.

However despite the current progress locals have complained that the city building has caused some serious Coastal erosion and ocean surges and  just hope that Nigeria is able to actively combat these issues so the echo Atlantic City and the surrounding areas are Problem free.


China is well known for creating multiple planned cities in order to facilitate its growing population and move people into urban areas and chongnan is the newest project in this slate of developments.

It is designed to be larger than New York City, it was first announced in 2017 and is more or less seen as XI jinping's Pet Project most of these planned cities have been located in solid Geographic locations this one's located Inland in what is essentially the middle of nowhere and many features of the city have direct ties to the political role of Xi Jinping.

It is  totally dependent on a huge input of capital and people from Beijing it's believed that many people and businesses will be transplanted there against their will and while it supposedly will be complete in August of 2023 she has dictated that it will be a modern city in 2035 and a world-class Urban cluster by 2050.

while the hope is that jungun will serve as a development hub for the Beijing Tianjin economic angle the recent downturn in the real estate market in China may make continued development difficult and  only time will tell whether or not this place will ultimately be successful.

Acon city

Acon City first announced by the washed up artist Akon back in January of 2015 his idea was to attract six billion dollars to the project in order to make it a real-life wakanda in his home country of Senegal in a computer rendering of  the project an 8.1 square kilometer City.

With twisting skyscrapers was envisioned ith this city including Condominiums office Parks a university an Ocean Resort and a 5000 bed hospital the city was supposed to use the blockchain and  run on acon's cryptocurrency coin making it a futuristic Bastion of Commerce and Technology on Africa's West Coasth. H owever while the first stone was laid in 2020 to date this Stone has remained alone in an empty dirt field and the small placard advertising the mega project has even fallen off of it this has raised some major concerns and while some locals still have hope most expert it's believed that the project displays characteristics of fraudulent business ventures such as Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes and for all intents and purposes it's more than likely that this planned future city has little more than a fraudulent money collection scam.

The line

While most cities are made of multiple buildings that at a level of character and personality to the area the line throws these conventions out the window that's because as the name would suggest the line is by a line made up of two parallel skyscrapers. 

The entire city will be contained within a structure that's 200 meters wide 500 meters tall and 170 kilometers long and will stretch across an area of land in the Northwest  part of Saudi Arabia near the Red Sea set to hold a total of 9 million people.

The structure will be extremely futuristic and if the current plans are realized it will feature vertically layered homes offices public parks and public schools year-round climate  control of all indoor and outdoor spaces and a high-speed rail that will transport residents from end to end in just 20 minutes with all of this supposedly meaning that the city will have no cars streets or carbon emissions built as a part of a plan known as  Vision 23 that's intended to draw in 100 million annual visitors work on the project began in October of 2021 and the city set to be complete by as the project name suggests 2030. 

 However while the structure may be futuristic many are also seeing it as dystopian and  therefore a significant number of people who would rather not see this city be created.


while the West Bank may not be one of the most peaceful places on the planet it's nonetheless the site of a massive futuristic city project headed by American Palestinian billionaire Bashar al-masri the 1.4 billion dollar luxury city is being  built from scratch in order to help stimulate economic growth in the West Bank al-masuri has called it a version of the Marshall Plan of the post-world War II era.

The city will help improve fortunes of those living in the area the current plan is for rawabi to have 6 000 units spread across 22 communities with each coming in at between 70 to 180 thousand dollars while cheaper than many of the apartments in palestine's largest city of Ramallah, it's still a very large sum and for the most part only the upper middle class can afford that yet while the project idea is quite Noble it's still far from complete to date 1600 housing units have been built in five of the city's 22 plant neighborhoods and work is currently underway on an additional 4 400 in a sixth while technically its own City.

Its proximity to Jerusalem make it feel a lot more like a trendy suburb and due to its location in the West Bank very few Palestinians without Israeli passports are able to actually go there as a result the city's been in effect a landing pad for arab-israelis and to date rawabi's current population comes in at just 5 000 people with 70 being    Permanent residents and the other 30 percent being weekend or vacation visitors as such there are many who see rawabi not as a way to lift up Palestine but as a community dedicated exclusively to wealthy Arabs and as a result there are certainly mixed feelings towards it.

Mina city

Mina city of tents every single year Muslims from around the world travel to Mecca which is known for hosting a massive pilgrimage event known as the Hajj every Muslim in the world is called to attend at least once in their lifetime and as a result as many as a million people attend each year in order to fulfill their holy obligations historically many pilgrims in attendance   have stayed in the Mina Valley but in 2022 Saudi Arabia upgraded the living quarters by creating a massive Tent City

In essence it's a massive Hotel scheme to make money for the central government with the cheapest tents selling for twenty seven hundred dollars the mid-level tent selling for 3 400 and the highest level selling for 3 900. This Tent City attempts to make the Hajj a much more enjoyable experience as rather than have everyone cook outside and live in relatively cramped conditions as was common in the past this Tent City allows for everyone to have their bedding and basic necessities provided for with everyone having an adequate amount of space and being fed three males per day.

In terms of amenities, the tents are air-conditioned have electric outlets and mobile phone chargers and sharecommunal areas toilets and bathrooms fit with access to freezers and fridges at receptions that serve ice cold water snacks and ice cold Refreshments free of charge throughout their stay.

In the case of a fire breaking out water tanks with a capacity of 200 000 cubic meters of water are ready to be used at a moment's notice and all in all the experience is far safer and more hygienic than it has been in the past and given that these tents seem to have been popular I'm expecting to see further additions made to this newly built Tent City in the coming years. 

New administrative Capital Egypt

It Is one of Africa's biggest economic heavyweights and its capital city of Cairo is where the Beating Heart of the country lies home to nine and a half million people.The city is a bustling metropolis and while this makes it a cultural and economic Hub and also comes with its fair share of problems after all the crazy amounts of congestion have considerably reduced the quality of life of its people and it's supposedly for this reason that the government is building the new administrative Capital expected to house embassies, government agencies, the parliament, 30 Ministries at grandiose presidential compound, a green space double the size of New York Central Park and some six and a half million people.

when completed it's supposed to be an urban Metropolis built to the highest standards however the ney Trail seems to point to the fact that the reasons for building the new administrative Capital are far from altruistic for one 51 of the project is owned by the military and this means that it will be able to reap massive profits by selling property and real estate once the initiative is completed since the actual government has little oversight over military spending.

It Is likely that corruption is running rampant and this is made worse by the fact that many outside observers believe that Egypt can't actually afford to build this new city it's slated to cost a whopping 59 billion dollars.

It is essentially just a mega City meant to service the rich yet the country's fragile economy in recent years means that it will likely not be able to pay back the billions in loans, it took out to build it as such there are real concerns whether it will be possible to finish this project making this new city far from a sure thing.

Maldives floating city

unless  you're a geography buff chances are that you've really never heard of the Maldives.It is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean.This small set of islands doesn't usually get all that much press but in recent months, it's got a quite a bit of attention due to its planned floating city aptly named the  Maldives floating city its built-in partnership between the Maldives government and the developers Dutch dockland.

By all accounts the city is both very unique and very necessary you see the idea is to create 5 000 floating houses anchored to the bottom of a 200 hectare Lagoon with these being interconnected via a series of canals in order to protect these homes from the ocean's waves and enhance the area's ecosystem. 

The idea is to attach artificial Coral Banks to the undersides of the city to stimulate Coral growth and in order to make it as eco-friendly as possible there will be a 15 minute long ferry service between the city and both the capital city and main airport so that residents can get to and from  their homes easily and travel around the city exclusively via foot bike boat or electric scooter on one hand this project is rather upscale and it's believed that these homes will go for between 150 000 and 200 000 making them rather  pensive by local standards

However it's also very necessary as most of these islands that make up the Maldives are less than a meter from sea level this is a problem since it's believed that most of the Maldives will be completely underwater by the year 2100 and as a result this pilot program may need to be implemented on a massive scale in order to save the Maldives from total Destruction however this city in particular is currently in its initial  construction phase and will likely be  completed by the year 2027. 

The floating city

while the UN is an organization that is often accused of doing absolutely nothing they are backing what will soon be a super high-tech floating city set to be located just off the coast of Busan South Korea.

The city's plans have beenfully drafted and construction is set to start in the next few months and it seems that the project will be pretty incredible it's set to house a total of 12 000 people.It Is being built as part of the United Nations human settlements program with the goal of the initiative being to test a new model of real estate development led by a sustainable design startup known as oceanics.

The city is being designed to withstand 100 Year storms and have a foundation that rises as sea levels do allowing it to  essentially last forever whether or not sea levels rise to crazy high levels the city will consist of three different  platforms with the first being designed to hold housing, the second for public spaces like schools and theaters and the third for research and development with each platform being connected to the others and to land via Bridges while being anchored to the ocean floor with removable pile Moorings in order to make these Moorings as strong as possible they'll be coated in a buoyant Limestone material known as bile Rock and in order to lessen the load on the platforms all  the buildings will have a cap of five stories and be made of lightweight sustainable materials such as Timber and bamboo.

In order to get around residents will ditch cars and trains and get around via bike or on foot and in order to be as self-sustaining as possible the city will feature Gardens solar panels fresh water filters and fishing cages to  catch scallops or kelp both the U.N and oceanics then hope that this model can be applied to other low-lying areas to protect against rising sea levels given its budget of 627 million dollars,

It seems like they have a lot of Hope in the project however even in the best case scenario the entire project will  not be completed before 2025.

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