Ukraine demands leopard tank 2 but EU reluctant


Ukraine demands leopard tank 2 but EU reluctant

Since the aggression of Russian forces against Ukraine the conflict has been escalating involving and jeopardizing the strategic interests of Europe and America indirectly. They are providing military support to Ukraine and recently EU approved 590 million dollars for military support and training besides other armaments supplied earlier.

Ukraine is also demanding Leopard 2 tanks from Europe but the EU are indecisive and divided on the issue of supply of said tanks. 

The Polish Government however is willing to deliver and German Foreign Minister has also assured that Germany would not block the poland, who is willing to  deliver such tanks.There is an agreement between Germany and other EU countries for prohibiting such re-export to any country.

The manufacturer of the Leopard 2, Germany's Krauss-Maffei Wegmann,  regards  it as “the world's leading battle tank”.The Leopard has got combination of firepower, protection, speed and maneuverability, for nearly a half-century. It is very effective and  highly productive  in many types of combat fights, being adaptive to such situations.

Its earliest version first came into service in 1979 and has four variants. Its main weapon is a 120mm smooth bore gun, and it has a fully digital fire-control system

The leopard tank weighing 55-tonne tank and moves at a top speed of about 68 kilometres per hour.It can carry a crew of four.   

The International Institute for Strategic Studies analysts says, that Ukraine would be required 100 tanks to have any significant effect on fighting in war against Russia,  

Ukraine demands leopard tank 2 but EU reluctant

Ukraine’s defence minister wants 300 tanks, and some European Union leaders support him on that.

While Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said in Brussels that that they need a fleet of 300 tanks,  alluding to the wide deployment of Leopards across Europe and the need for “synchronous” weaponry that can operate smoothly together.

To get basic proficiency, three to six weeks of training would be needed for operating crews and support staff, said The International Institute for Strategic Studies. 

Such tanks could allow Ukraine to go onto the offensive in the 11-month-old conflict that has been stalemated for months following two key Ukrainian counter offensives that recaptured areas occupied by Russian forces for months in the northeast and south, said Yohann Michel, a research analyst for defense and military affairs at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Owing to poor tactical performance of Russian troops, Leopards 2s if supplied, could be advantageous and give an edge to Ukraine in the conflicting war. 

Western deliveries of Leopard 2s could help equip Ukraine with needed high-calibre munitions to replace its own dwindling Soviet-era stockpiles, opening a new avenue for supplies of Western firepower to get to Ukraine

The Leopard 2 and similar Western tanks were more agile than T-models used by Russia, which can’t reverse at speed, as noted and observed by analysts. However, it is apprehended that it could prove to be a  game changer or a war-winning technology.

Leopard 2 is diesel-powered – not driven by jet fuel that powers the M1 Abrams – and is easier to operate than the big US tanks, and thus has shorter training times.

About 2000 Leopard 2 , an offensive weapon suitable for high-intensity battles, have been deployed in over a dozen European countries and Canada. The German Manufacture, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann says over 3500 units have been supplied to 19 countries.

In view of escalating conflict between Russia and ukraine, though allies have given mixed signal regarding supply of these tanks to Ukraine and the NATO members are dividedon the issue  it doesnot want to leave any impression of its involvement in the conflict.Therefore the issue of supply of these world's best combat tanks to Ukraine is undecided. 

On the diplomatic front, three Baltic states have recalled their ambassadors from Russia and two more states to join while Russian Ambassadors have been asked to leave their countries. This move has been initiated to stop the aggression on Ukraine and expansionism designs of Russia.

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