Vitamin D or Sunlight vital for healthy bones


Vitamin D or Sunlight vital for healthy bones

The nutritionist says that vitamin D is very important for our body, the sun from 10 am to 2 pm is enough to compensate for vitamin D deficiency.

Doctors say that the body lacks vitamin D in winter, because the days are shorter in this season, so there is not much exposure to the sun.

Vitamin D is very important for our body, because this vitamin is very useful for the health of bones, teeth and muscles, in addition, vitamin D is also helpful in regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency weakens bones, causes muscle pain, and can have very negative effects on children's bones.

Nutritionist explained the cause of vitamin D deficiency and how to overcome it in ARY News' program Awabira Sawira.

Nutritionist explained the reasons for vitamin D deficiency and said that 70 to 80 percent of my patients have vitamin D deficiency, due to which the person suffers from fatigue, nervous weakness, and weak bones. And muscle aches.

Doctors said that vitamin D deficiency in women increases the risk of developing osteoporosis after menopause.

The nutritionist explained how to compensate for the lack of vitamin D, saying that sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, you should take the sun from 10 am to 2 pm, which is the lack of vitamin D in the body. enough to meet the

Doctor said that osteoprosis also increases due to lack of vitamin D, because the amount of absorption of calcium in our body decreases.

Doctor said that especially in women, along with age, estrogen decreases, then calcium starts coming out of the bones, due to which the bones start to weaken, when we have vitamin D in our body, calcium will be absorbed.

According to the nutritionist, fatigue and depression are also signs of vitamin D deficiency, the hormones in our body are regulated by vitamin D, calcium and vitamin D play an important role and when there is a lack of both in the body, your hormones are correct. Will not be.

Doctor told pregnant women that due to going through the process of childbirth, women are more vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women increases the risk of premature birth and diabetes.

The nutritionist said that food sources like egg yolk, cheese and fish also provide enough of it. Apart from this, vitamin D is also found in milk products.۔

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