The world community is facing lot of challenges like poverty, injustice, gender inequality, climate change etc coupled with provision of services like shelter,food,health education ,water scarcity, education for the ever growing population, which is now around 7.888 billion and by 2030 it is likely to be above 8 billion .
The gap between services and increasing population is growing too fast as even the developed economies are unable to Bridge the gap.The population in sub-Saharan Africa is growing at 2.5 percent per year which is more than three times the global average.
The upward trend threatens to leave even more people in developing countries further behind in respect of basic needs like health, education, housing, employment, food, as governments have to struggle for provision of these services out of resource constraint economy.
Rapid population growth also means more people vying for scarce water resources and leaves more families facing hunger as climate change increasingly impacts crop production in many parts of the world.
In this scenario the most immediate issue is growing poverty, food security and malnutrition, which are of grave concern specially in sub-saharan zones of africa and South Asia.The situation in these areas is such that 50% and 33% of the world's extreme poor belong to these areas while more than 12% of the world's population meaning thereby 1/10 are in the bracket of. extreme poor.
All around the world about 12% are living below $1.90 a day,one fifth below higher poverty line of $3.20 a day and rest live below $5.50 dollar a day.
As regards malnutrition,it is higher in south asia which is more than 40% as compared to 33% in sub saharan areas of africa.
The climate change and lack of staple food import are causing food security issues allover the world but this is quite challenging in these areas , as the increase in population in these regions with indebted poor economy followed by political instability standout as the main reasons.
Overall the whole world is under stress to meet the food needs of 8 billion population and to cater to their immediate needs of health,food,unemployment, housing and education etc while world wide inflation with no substantial improvement in per capita income is causing to increase the ratio of extreme poor people.
Though we are facing a big gap between have and have-nots at the micro level but this is also reflected at macro level among comity of nations. Exploitation of resources and imperialistic approach by the powerful at both the levels keeping the other weak and poor.
The challenges may be addressed to a great extent by those who have power,strong economy ,resources, political stability, norms of justice and law but for the developing and underdeveloped poor economies, lack of technology and resources, political instability, unawareness of the coming challenges, it will be real gigantic task for them.
The history has taught us lessons that such a situation may lead to unrest, riots, protests if the immediate needs of food, health, education, and shelter etc are not attended to.
The world community is though well aware of the challenges and adoption of measures being taken but multi directional practical approach on war footings are required.