Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure. It can
lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and sometimes death. Blood
pressure is the pressure that acts against a person's blood vessels. It depends
on how much resistance the blood vessels have and how hard the heart works to
withstand the pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for the
Keeping blood pressure under control is essential for a healthy
life. In this article, we will look at the causes of high blood pressure, as
well as ways to monitor it and keep it in the normal range. Below Blood
pressure can be kept under control by following the above.
Regular physical exercise
Physicians recommend that people with hypertension do at least 150
minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week.
Healthy people should also do this exercise. This includes walking,
jogging, cycling or swimming.
Stress reduction
Meditation, warm water baths, yoga and going for long walks are
relaxation techniques that can help relieve stress. Use of tobacco and junk
food should be avoided.
These substances increase the complications of high blood pressure or hypertension. Smoking can increase blood pressure. Avoiding smoking protects against high blood pressure, other heart diseases, and lung cancer.
Reduce salt intake
In most countries around the world, people consume an average of 9
to 12 grams of salt per day. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends
consuming less than 5 grams of salt per day to reduce the risk of hypertension
and other related health problems. go
More fruits and vegetables, less fat
If you have high blood pressure or are at high risk of high blood pressure, experts give the following instructions:
- Eat whole-grain, high-fiber foods.
- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
- Include beans, pulses and nuts in your diet.
- Take a food containing omega-3 twice a week.
- Use olive oil
- Eat skinless chicken and fish.
- Use low-fat dairy products.
- Avoid trans fats, hydrogenated vegetable oils and oils made from
animal fats.
Weight and diet considerations
Excess body weight can cause an increase in hypertension. Losing
weight also keeps blood pressure at a normal level because the heart does not
have to work as hard to pump blood around the body.
Adequate calorie intake, balanced diet, body mass, gender and other
activities influence hypertension.
The effect of tension on babies growing in the womb...?
In earlier times, experienced old women used to advise pregnant
women to be happy, think positively and eat good food.
In the last 45 years, there has been tremendous progress in the
field of science and there is a field of neuroscience that every pregnant woman
and those concerned should be aware of. will cause
The story of Maya
When Maya migrated from Pakistan to America with her two young
children, a tiny being was growing inside her.
In the beginning, America was nothing less than a prison for Maya, who lived a confident life of independence in her homeland. The attitude of her brother and sister-in-law, who called America with love and promised to support her, became a soul. Even during pregnancy. Emotions are difficult to control. Under these circumstances, there was a stream of tears that flowed that was beyond Maya's control.
The doctor, unfamiliar with the different culture and oriental way,
told Maya. I am worried because your baby is losing weight instead of gaining
weight. You need to be admitted to the hospital as soon as possible. The doctor
gave a date for the next three days. But Maya, who was still twenty-five days
away from the birth of her child, was under severe stress. The child was born
the next night, probably due to the mental state of the mother.
This child was very weak and small. Perhaps if he had been born in
the mother's warmth for a few more days, he would have been born healthy. Other
women like Maya would have gone through many painful situations, crying for
love and going through severe stress. But what is the news to them that the
child growing up in their existence is also in no less pain that this
relationship is not a trivial one.
Maternal stress on child development
The process of the development of the child in the mother's womb is
very surprising. It is similar to the construction of a building. From an egg,
the process of cell division at a constant and accelerated speed gradually
differentiates into different organs. The main brain is our control center. In
the womb, the brain is making thousands of cells per minute before birth.
These cells eventually establish an electrical communication
relationship with each other. The child's relationship with the mother is through
the placenta through which not only food but also basic hormones, proteins and
growth factors reach the child. This is the reason that the mother's immune
system becomes somewhat weak during these days. At that time, the baby in the
womb is a new entity, even if it is its own. Our immune system makes antibodies
against new substances.
But at the time of childbirth, nature makes this system less effective. The release of mothers' stress hormones in the blood accelerates the blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration in the body, and C Reactive Protein (CRP) ) increases the amount. Cytokinase also increases. All these create inflammation in the body. Constant stress has a strong impact on the child as well.
Sensitive machines such as ultrasound tell. Ten weeks before birth, the baby uses its senses in its safe inner world. It moves around, dances and kicks. When the mother laughs, it also affects the hormones of happiness. If stress hormones such as cholesterol and adrenaline increase, the effects are also set on the child.
1. Premature delivery of the baby, which is caused by an excess of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) in the uterus.
2. Weight loss.
3. A child is born with an emotional state.
4. In addition to depression, autism and learning disabilities, the
child is more likely to develop ADHD and schizophrenia.
5. Such children also cry a lot and take the stress of their life
in a negative way.
6. Stress increases the chances of pregnancy loss
Although the research in this regard is still in the initial stages, but it is being worked on in a dedicated and serious manner all over the world. Why not, in fact, the mental health of these children is related to our social development and bright future.
Here the research of Dr. Tesa Roseboom of the University of
Amsterdam is mentioned, which was carried out over a long period of time on
twenty-four hundred people who were in their mothers' wombs during the Dutch
famine after the Second World War (Holland 1944).
The seed of creation of children was laid in the time of famine,
helplessness and war. These children of mothers suffering from stress as a
result of hunger and poverty suffer from heart diseases, excess cholesterol in
their middle age and also from stress in their own lives. Struggled negatively
compared to people born before the famine.
Mothers' stress hormones affect the children's brain cells and the electrical connections between them, affecting overall neurological, physical and mental health.
The impact of which was far-reaching until old age. Stress in the
form of diseases continued to remind the mothers of the pain with which they
had a umbilical cord relationship.
The far-reaching effects of stress raise the question of what kind
of future we want to give to our children. A society in which the strong and
the weak maintain the pollution of stress in an atmosphere of injustice, or one
where justice is maintained. love, peace and harmony and happy people live
without worry...? It is necessary to adopt such a way of life that reduces
stress in life and gives peace of mind.