Eid ul Azha 2023

Eid ul Azha 2023

Saudi authorities have announced the sighting of new moon of zilhaj and accordingly eidul Acha will be celebrated on June 28th 2023 in Saudi and some other Muslim countries.

While Indonesia Malaysia and other regional countries could not spot the zilhaj moon.

In Indo Pakistan areas the likely sighting of moon and eidul Acha will be along with saudia as the eid will fall on the evening of 29th June and hence eid will be celebrated on 29th June so a day ahead of Saudia and other countries who will be celebrate on 28th June 2023.

The Government of Pakistan has already announced Eid holidays we 27th June to 01st July 2023.

The Haj and eid are great religious festival of Muslims and symbol of unity and faith. All the Muslim must adhere to the unity,solidarity and celebrate the event with zeal and fervour coupled with taking care of their fellow poor and destitute muslim brothers.

Efforts must be directed towards settling the internal and external conflicts.

It is still needed to realise if Muslim bodies in  non Muslim countries announce and celebrate such religious festivals along with saudia but many Muslim countries of regions like fareast, African countries and subcontinent region have to see the sighting of moon ,so with respect of age of moon and timing it  usually falls ahead.

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