India and Australia to play final worldcup 2023

India and Australia to play final worldcup 2023

 India had played its last leaque match with Netherlands and semi-finals  with newzealand bagging their 2 victories convincingly  and reached final اand now will play The final with Australia who cameout victorious in the 2nd semi final which was played between Australia and South Africa۔their result of 2nd semi final being played today۔

 India stands with highest points 18 In the points table followed by South Africa and Australia with 16 each۔

There are much conspiracy theories surrounding the India's unbeaten winning spree that grounded are made favourable،some conspiracy decisions of umpires and  DSR، and regarding some device in the ball، but its part of the game when such professional winning are going then decisions defeats is not easy۔But favourable speaking Indian professional very well in fielding، batting، and bowling۔ It was looking professional by all means ،they do have the advantage of home ground، spectators، and climate but all this is part of the game۔  

The way India is moving ahead with confidence and professionalism، it has successfully beating new Zealand in the first semi فائنل and qualified for final and will will play with either South Africa or with Australia۔

The cricket analysts are unanimous that this world cup belong to India and they deserve it۔ But the way Australia has come out with late start it is likely that they may beat India in the final which will be played ان 19th November 2023۔ As  Australia has got its form back a bit late but now they are in high spirit to bagging their world cup once again۔

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